Propeller Carving - The All Power Tool Method instructional essay provides the homebuilder with the knowledge necessary to construct a beautiful, custom propeller in a fraction of the time it takes to hand carve a propeller. Using the all power tool method of propeller carving, the craftsman will use an electric chain saw, an angle grinder, and a small orbital sander, for 98% of the operation. This practical essay boils down the construction process to a simple and straght forwards procedure. You will say to yourself at every stage of the carving process, "I can do that."
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Below are ten color photos from Propeller Carving- The All Power Tool Method:
Template Making
Pitch Guidelines
Glue-Up Procedure
That first cut
Five Inch Sander
Balance Notch
Hub Drilling Template
Beautiful, Scimitar Shaped Propeller
Side View of the Final Product